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04 Aug 23
CMIK – Culture and Events Centre, Novigrad, 9.15 p.m.

Movie nights: A star is born

Pleasant summer evenings in Novigrad are reserved for a refreshing cinema experience under the stars, with the sea breeze and the scents of the Mediterranean.

In the outdoor space of the Culture and Events Centre, on the Rivarela seafront promenade, you will be able to enjoy big screen films projections for all tastes and ages, with top-quality picture and sound. In the completely renovated former legendary cinema, where in summer and winter generations of Novigrad residents have watched films and plays they will remember for a lifetime, you will be able to watch four blockbusters being screened in all cinemas in July and August.
You can purchase tickets and view the film program at this website: https://cmik-cmc.mojekarte.hr/.
The cinema box office opens an hour before each screening.
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