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Sveti Rok hiking trail- Brtonigla

Ponds, vineyards and a unique fauna
The trail starts in the centre of Brtonigla by the church of Saint Roch (Sv. Rok), going up towards the village of Grobice. After 650 m, it turns into a macadam road which leads you through vineyards and olive groves to the natural oasis of Škarline. Here you can take a breather on a bench and observe this small corner of paradise with a fishpond, a small bridge and many tiny inhabitants of this unique ecosystem. If you look closer, you can spot frogs in the water, which are a common sight here.
Follow the trail markers and bring plenty of water with you
After crossing the bridge, turn right down the Škarline canyon, following the stream. You’ll cross it several times along the way while observing the rich fauna surrounding you. The trail gets challenging in several places, so you’ll descend with the help of a cable, following the trailmarkers placed along the route. When you reach the end of the canyon, you’ll come to a clearing where you’ll turn right to climb up to Nova Vas. From there, follow the dirt road below the Cattunar winery and after 300 m turn left and continue up through the vineyards to the Smergo viewpoint. After 150 m turn left and return to the road leading from Grobice to the starting point in the centre of Brtonigla.
 Technical description of the route
  • Start and end point: church of St. Roch in Brtonigla

  • Length of the course: 10 km

  • Time required: approx. 4 hours

  • Difficulty of the route: medium

  • Terrain: asphalt, gravel, dirt road

  • Best months for hiking: all except June, July and August

#Nature and environment
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