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14 Aug 24
Streets of the town center, 20h

Music on every corner

Every Wednesday during the summer, you have the opportunity to immerse yourselves in the enchanting melodies echoing through the streets of the old town. Four talented musical groups will grace you with their unplugged performances, creating a truly memorable atmosphere. To keep the excitement alive, these groups will gracefully move to a new location every half hour.
Imagine the captivating sound of the accordion, the soul-stirring brass instruments, the rhythmic strumming of guitars, and the enchanting voices harmonizing in beautiful melodies. Let this symphony of music add a touch of magic to your evening as you wander through the historic streets of the old town. You can enjoy the talented musicians' performances at the mesmerizing Mandrač harbour, in the relaxing Irma Benčić Park, in the vibrant main square, and on the corner of the charmingly colorful street Velika ulica.
Let the rhythm guide your steps and the melodies fill your soul as we celebrate the joy of music together.
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