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04 Sep - 08 Sep 24
CMIK – Event and Culture Center

International Festival of Short Films

FKM Novigrad is an international festival in Croatia and the only festival in Istria that is dedicated exclusively to short format films. This festival offers a platform for showcasing films that often don't make it into regular distribution, emphasizing regional and global cinematography.
In addition to a rich film program, the festival offers free workshops, educational sessions, and various musical and entertainment activities. The goal is to enhance film culture and educate the audience about the significance of short films, with the best films competing for audience awards.
The new, third edition of the festival will take place from September 6 to 8, 2024. This year, 25 short films, including 10 student works, will be showcased within the international and regional competitive program. The film program has been expanded to a new outdoor location, while the accompanying educational program will run from September 4 to 8, including workshops for schoolchildren led by renowned experts.
The festival brings a rich cultural content to Novigrad, with evening entertainment programs such as the Film Quiz, and creates a unique opportunity for professionals to meet, educate, and promote film art among the local audience.
Detailed festival program can be found on the website www.festivalkratkogmetra.com.and meet while having fun; for some a first door that opens onto the world of cinema.
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