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Livade – the truffle mecca

Truffles have earned the central Istrian village of Livade near Oprtalj global fame, making its annual event The Truffle Days a true gourmet feast.

Truffles – a magical delicacy

These edible fungi grow underground and boast a strong, authentic flavour. While some consider it mild, others describe it as aromatic and almost hypnotising. Truffles are highly prized in the culinary world and are often used as a spice or a delicacy on their own. Their price varies depending on the type (white or black), and the season.

The Truffle Days

This event takes place every October and turns Livade into the world's truffle centre. The Truffle Days are all about this incredible delicacy and related traditions: visitors can enjoy tasting it, participate in culinary workshops and meet truffle hunters and makers of truffle-based products.

Truffle hunting

Being surrounded by forests, the Livade area is ideal for truffle hunting with the help of trained dogs. Its fertile soil provides optimum conditions for the growth of truffles, so it comes as no surprise that this truffle paradise is recognised on a global scale.
If you love truffles, a visit to Livade and its surroundings is a must. Here you can taste the best specimens and experience truffle hunting first hand. Welcome to the magical world of truffles!
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