Nature & camping

Kornarija forest

Northwestern Istria’s most famous forest stretches across 160 ha alongside the village of Marušići near Momjan. With several attractive cycling routes, it is very popular among cyclists.
Just like other large forests of Istria, Kornarija was highly valued by the Venetians for its top-quality oak, which they transported for the needs of the Venetian Arsenal. After an unsuccessful attempt at afforesting it with deciduous trees, black pine was planted there in the mid-19th century, as a pioneer variety introduced by forester Josip Koller.
Kornarija is today home to the forest communities of downy oak and oriental hornbeam, and of downy oak and hop-hornbeam. There are also cerris, sweet chestnut and Scots pine, with black pines reaching the height of up to 30 m. Some 150 years after the planting, black pine yielded satisfactory results, thus creating the prerequisites for the return of native species.
Just like the entire Municipality of Grožnjan, Kornarija is an attractive walking and cycling destination, and is today managed by the Buje Forestry.
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