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03 May - 05 May 24
Art and culture

Brtonigla TOONS & TUNES

A fair for enthusiasts, collectors, we can also define them hedonists of music and comics, and was born from a long-shared love and passion for music and art, in this specific case for audio supports and comics (culture of illustration), i.e. pop culture.

An international meeting place for gramophone record collectors, curators, illustrators, cartoonists, music archivists, lovers of music, culture and comics, i.e. connoisseurs of this art form, which is attracting more and more "non-collector" classics and becomes a type of movement, following trends such as analog photography, craft products (beers, spirits), design products, handicrafts and the like.
The evening program will feature musical performances by established and lesser-known artists for whom we provide a platform to establish themselves in our music scene.
#art and culture
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