Diverse, unique, creative, and eco-friendly - that's the meaning behind the name of the exhibition RUKE (Hands). It represents an association of craftspersons - creatives from all over Croatia who, through guest sales exhibitions and workshops, present and sell Croatian handicrafts and teach visitors creative craftsmanship.
From 9 am to 9 pm, various decorations and souvenirs made from different natural materials are on offer, such as stone, ceramics, olive wood, wicker, and recycled cotton, among others. The members of the RUKE association also hold practical workshops. Residents of Novigrad and city guests have the opportunity to dive into the world of creative creation, learning from skilled craftsmen. The most numerous participants are curious children. Free creative workshops for all ages await you on both days from 11 am to 6 pm, in the pleasant ambiance of the Novigrad fishermen's park by the Mandrač harbor.
Each new guest appearance in the coming months brings new workshops: from painting and crafting with natural materials to repurposing everyday objects into art. Learn to create imaginative creations from everyday items, fostering a spirit of innovation and resourcefulness! Transform natural materials into decorative or useful objects, connecting with nature in a creative way. Whether you want to learn a new skill, spend quality time with family, or simply enjoy a peaceful day outdoors.
Saturday, 22nd June
Making flowers and animals from pine cones
Making fish and jellyfish from plastic bottles
Making bracelets from recycled cotton
Making small Istrian kažuns from stones
Sunday, 23rd June
Making flowers and animals from pine cones
Making fish and jellyfish from plastic bottles
Making bracelets from recycled plastic
Painting wooden toys